De Cosmo



``I started mountain biking at the age of six on a team in my village``

Hi, I’m Gioele and I’m born in 1997. I started mountain biking at the age of six on a team in my village. Later, at the age of 9 I attended a Mountain Bike school and then moved on to the “Silmax Cannondale” team. After spending 6 years in Team Silmax I moved on to the “Canavese MTB”, a smaller team where I had the right set of mind to finish my studies and concentrate on the most important races of the season.

``This experience allowed me to get to know cycling on a level that I had never experienced ``

In 2017 I joined the Trek Selle San Marco team, and I dedicated myself to cycling as a profession and grow from an athletic and human point of view.

This experience allowed me to get to know cycling on a level that I had never experienced.

``It will be a special year given the entry into the team of Vlad Dascalu and Simone Avondetto``

For 2020 I will still be part of the XCO project of the Team Trek-Pirelli, where changing category I will have to experience and grow trying to achieve the goals we have set ourselves.

It will be a special year given the entry into the team of Vlad Dascalu and Simone Avondetto which I will certainly be outstanding at the international level, thus bringing the team to the top of the world in the XCO.

Best results

National champion XCO Under23

5th at XCO Continental Championship Under23
6th at XCO World Championship Under23

10th Val di sole World Cup
9th Snowshoe World Cup

3° XCO National Championship Junior

My social networks